Cozy Winter Photo Challenge: Top 3 Books Of 2021

Top 3 books of 2021
Top 3 books of 2021

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Opdracht 1: top 3 van 2021

Was niet zo een makkelijke keuze aangezien ik vorig jaar 19 boeken las en ze allemaal stuk voor stuk goed waren!

Maar ik heb mijn keuze gemaakt!

1. Dream of destiny by Lillie Alexander (a Hades and Persephone retelling)

2. The Awakening of Marcianna by Isabelle Markus (a contemporary fantasy fiction)

3. I like me better by Susan Renee (a small town contemporary romance)


Assignment 1: top 3 of 2021Β 

Wasn't such an easy choice as I read 19 books last year and they were all good!Β 

But I made my choice!

1. Dream of destiny by Lillie Alexander (a Hades and Persephone retelling)

2. The Awakening of Marcianna by Isabelle Markus (a contemporary fantasy fiction)

3. I like me better by Susan Renee (a small town contemporary romance)

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