Finale By Stephanie Garber Review

Finale by Stephanie Garber
Finale by Stephanie Garber


A love worth fighting for. A dream worth dying for. An ending worth waiting for.

It’s been two months since the Fates were freed from a deck of cards, two months since Legend claimed the throne for his own, and two months since Tella discovered the boy she fell in love with doesn’t really exist.

With lives, empires, and hearts hanging in the balance, Tella must decide if she’s going to trust Legend or a former enemy. After uncovering a secret that upends her life, Scarlett will need to do the impossible. And Legend has a choice to make that will forever change and define him.

Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun. There are no spectators this time—only those who will win, and those who will lose everything.

Welcome, welcome to Finale. All games must come to an end…





elk verhaal bestaat uit vier delen: het begin, het midden, het bijna-einde en het echte einde. helaas krijgt niet iedereen een echt einde. de meeste mensen geven het op bij het gedeelte van het verhaal waarin alles op zijn ergste is, wanneer de situatie hopeloos aanvoelt, maar juist dan is hoop het meest nodig. alleen diegenen die volharden kunnen hun echte einde vinden.

dit verhaal is helemaal anders dan de eerste 2 verhalen, er komt veel actie, spanning, verwondering en liefde in te pas. van de 3 boeken die ik las is de ze de perfectie. de wereldopbouw is fantastisch, de plottwists zijn geweldig en er is een scheutje magie aan toegevoegd.

het is het perfecte einde voor deze serie. jammer dat het verhaal afgelopen is, ik ga de personages missen.


each story has four parts: the beginning, the middle, the near-end and the real ending. unfortunately not everyone gets a real ending. most people give up at the worst part of the story, when the situation feels hopeless, but that's when hope is needed most. only those who persevere can find their true end. 

this story is completely different from the first 2 stories, there is a lot of action, tension, wonder and love in it. out of the 3 books i read, she is the perfect one. the world-building is fantastic, the plot twists are great and there's a bit of magic added to it. 

it's the perfect ending for this series. Too bad the story is over, I'm going to miss the characters.

Big thank you to @szynkaaa for giving me permission to print out her deck of destiny, that represents all the Fates in the story so well! I really love them!

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