Renwick Vostemur spends his winters training blue witches with his uncle in the Northern Court. But as Renwick proves himself worthy of the nickname Witchslayer, he struggles to keep his secrets from slipping out of his control. Under his uncle’s scrutiny, will he survive another winter in the blue witch fortress?
This is the third novella in the Okrith novella series. Read the ebooks FREE at akmulford.com.
het achtergrondverhaal van Renwick, hoe Renwick geworden is wie hij nu is.
ik hou van deze kleine novella's, het is zo leuk om de personages beter te leren kennen en hun achtergrond verhaal te ontdekken!
zo een kort verhaal, zoveel informatie! geweldig
the backstory of Renwick, how Renwick became who he is today.
I love these little novellas, it's so much fun getting to know the characters better and discovering their background story!
such a short story, so much information! awesome
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